Choose and add additional services to tailor your package!
In the order form of the ‘Purchase Page’ you will be able to add any of these items as well as others related to company incorporation, in addition to those that are already included in your package
UK trademark registration application £260
more info
UK trademark registration application
We will determine the categories of goods and/or services of your trademark and the appropriate classifications under which the application needs to be filed after an analysis of your business industry and goods/services to be provided. We will prepare the trademark application form and confirm with you the final list of goods and/or services before filing the application.
We will supply you with a valid UK address that will be your official company registration address. Our Registration Address service offers a very good value for money service and also includes redirection of all official post to you. Official post includes correspondence from the UK company registrar and UK tax office but does NOT include business correspondence like invoices, bills, letters to your company or other non government post. If you wish to receive usual business correspondence, you need to also subscribe for General Mail Forward service. Please, select 'Add General Mail Forward Service' in the ‘ADD-ONS’ section and we will redirect all business correspondence to you as well as official post.
Add additional logo designs to your package for more creative branding options from which to choose. We will send you a pdf with your additional logo brand assets (logo, colour palette and fonts)
Add an additional clearance search to your package if you are using a trading name different to your business name, or if you intend to use various different trading names to sell your products or services
1-hr legal advice £200
1-hr legal advice
Business incorporation
We will register a private limited company or partnership (as chosen
by you) under your proposed name and send you a copy of your registration certificate and
Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Articles of Association can be either the
model articles (standard articles for the type of business you choose) or bespoke articles
provided by you. You must provide a UK address to be used as your business’ registered
address or add to your package the “UK Registration Address” option.